Tag: Bella Union

John Grant, Pale Green Ghosts, 2013 on Bella Union / Partisan Records

In the US on Partisan Records, elsewhere on Bella Union, this was John Grant’s second solo album, recorded in Reykjavik, with backing vocals from SinĂ©ad O’Connor (credited as…

John Grant, Queen of Denmark, 2010 on Bella Union.

John Grant, Queen of Denmark, 2010 on Bella Union. Honestly I’ve yet to find anything John Grant  has done that I haven’t loved, so was very happy to…

John Grant; Grey Tickled, Black Pressure; 2015 on Bella Union / Partisan

John Grant; Grey Tickled, Black Pressure; 2015 on Bella Union / Partisan John Grant is one of my favorites of the 2010s – clever, original songwriting, my favorite…