Tag: Jim Phantom

Phantom, Rocker & Slick; Phantom, Rocker & Slick, 1985 on EMI America

Self-titled debut album for Phantom, Rocker & Slick (I’ll forgive them for the lack of an oxford comma) from 1985. Slim Jim Phantom (drums) and Lee Rocker (vocals,…

Stray Cats, Rant N’ Rave with the Stray Cats, 1983 on EMI America

Stray Cats, Rant N’ Rave with the Stray Cats, 1983 on EMI America Third studio album from Lee Rocker, Jim Phantom, and Brian Setzer, produced by Dave Edmunds…

Stray Cats, Built For Speed, 1982 on EMI America.

Stray Cats, Built For Speed, 1982 on EMI America. This was their US debut, built from two earlier UK releases. Brian Setzer of course went on to a…