Go to ElijahDropYourGun for your chance to preorder / sponsor Mieka Pauley’s new album.

I first heard Mieka Pauley at a concern on Halloween eve (10/30) 2004 – a campfire festival concert which also featured Antje Duvekot, Dan Blakeslee, Tiger Saw and others – all playing to a small but attentive crowd at the Masonic Temple in Newburyport.

Mieka’s trying out an intersting approach here – you’re sort of preordering the album, but also sponsoring its creation.

There are many levels available. How cool would it be to pool $1000 together and have a private house concert?

Simple Pre-Order
– 1 signed CD
Pre-Order Plus – 1 personalized CD (signed to your name)
– 1 CD burn of album b-sides
– 1 signed poster
Pre-Order Supreme
– 2 personalized CDs + 2 b-side burns + signed poster – “thanks” in album liner notes
Patrons (Guest List Privileges)
– 2 free tickets to any single show – 4 personalized CDs + 4 b-side burns + signed poster
– “Patron” listing in album liner notes
Heroes (2007 Season Tickets)
– 2 “season tickets” good at all shows in 2007
– 1 original, unopened, “out of print” copy of 1st cd OR 1 original “out of car wrecks EP” digipak
(supplies limited)
– 8 personalized CDs + 8 b-side burns + signed poster
– “Hero” listing in album liner notes
Guardian Angels (House Concert)(split this sponsorship with a group of friends!)
– free house concert (at a mutually agreed time)
– 1 original, unopened, “out of print” copy of 1st cd
AND 1 original “out of car wrecks EP” digipak
(supplies limited)
– 2 “season tickets” good at all shows in 2007- 20 personalized CDs + 20 b-side burns + signed poster
– “Guardian Angel” listing in album liner notes
(you, you & friends, your company, etc)