Tag: Online
Via Erik Marcus I came to an excellent blog post by Mark Hawthorne, who takes on a question I’ve often wondered about: Is One-Click Activism Effective? You’ve almost…
Ann Handley is what we north-of-Boston folks call wicked smart. Further evidence of that is found in her recent blog post: “I Suspect Everyone Else Is Smarter, Better-Looking,…
This posting on the Mental Floss blog reminded me of a resource I often forget: the live music archive: The Live Music Archive currently contains nearly 40,000 recordings…
(via ars technica) Good news: Internet radio will remain safe and sound, at least through July of this year, on account of a new decision by the US…
As you’ve likely seen reported, the Copyright Royalty Board decided to dramatically increase royalty rates for internet streaming, and changing the way that such royalties are calculated. This…