Brian Ibbott of Coverville allows encourages people each year to send in brief “intros” to each of the top 40 songs in the Coverville Countdown. This year I took him up on the offer – and he used my entry!


Check out part III of the 2007 Coverville Countdown (assuming you’re not already a subscriber). That’s me introducing track !

You don’t know, in advance, which song will correspond to the number you get, so I couldn’t really tailor my intro to Redemption Song (could have made some link from Billy Bragg, the “one-man clash” whose “A New England” I played a snippet of to Joe Strummer) but it was lots of fun anyway.

I sound like I’m calling in from a cellphone because in essence I was – my laptop has no microphone (and I have none around the house) so I had to use by bluetooth earpiece to record it. I suppose I could have plugged Goatless or OpenParenthesis or even but since I don’t actually podcast or anything directly relevant to cover songs I decided to plug Newburyport instead.