My copy (via Beverly Coin & Jewel) is a later reissue – the red and gold Columbia labels from the seventies rather than the “2 eye” version in the sixties and marking suggesting it was pressed at Carrollton with metalwork from Terre Haute.
This was Dylan’s third LP and is often seen as his turn into politics (as though Master’s of War and Blowin’ in the Wind weren’t political?). Having been born in the same town as Dylan (I like to think, though I can’t be sure, in the same hospital) 29 years later, I’ve always loved With God On Our Side:
Oh my name it ain’t nothin’ / My age it means less
The country I come from / is called the Midwest
I was taught and brought there / the laws to abide
And that land that I live in / has Got on its side
Bob Dylan
But I also love Boots of Spanish Leather and The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll, as well as of course the unavoidable title track. It’s amazing to think he was ~22 years old writing and recording this.